Why Mindfulness Matters in the New World of Work

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Advances in neuroscience research are deepening our understanding of the requirements to lead and succeed in the new world of work, filled with frequent and disruptive change and requirements for continuous learning and adaption. These advances are helping to popularize and reinforce the importance of organizational mindfulness and mindful change leadership.

There is a growing body of research linking mindfulness practice to the ability to lead successful, sustainable change and lead people through change. Mindfulness is linked to self-awareness, mental agility, improved cognitive functioning and lasting emotional control. Mindfulness is foundational to emotional and social intelligence.

Richard Boyatzis, professor in the departments of Organization Behaviour and Psychology and Cognitive Science at Case Western Reserve University speaks of mindfulness as the capacity to be fully aware of all that you experience, inside the self – body, mind, heart and spirit and the ability to pay full attention to what is happening around you. For Boyatzis, mindfulness is a key leadership competency.

When you are leading change mindfully you are paying attention to what is going on within you (your physical sensations, thoughts, feelings and impulses) moment to moment. You are also fully attending to what you are working on, the person you are talking to and the surroundings and the circumstances you are moving through. Mindful change leaders see clearly and accurately what is happening inside and out.

When you are leading change mindfully you are grounded, calm and focused even in challenging situations. You are better able to respond to unexpected events and early signs of trouble in the change process and initiate timely course corrections. Mindful change leaders analyze cope and learn from mistakes, failures and setbacks and bring a strategic and collaborative approach to problem solving.

When you are leading change mindfully you are tuning into other people and their experience of change. Mindful change leaders understand fear, avoidance and resistance to change. They lead people through change with understanding, concern and compassion for the human side of the change experience. Mindful change leaders create environments that support trust, resiliency, learning and high performance.

If your world of work requires change leaders who are truly present for their team, remain calm, focused and high performing in the midst of chaos and help others to do the same - then mindfulness matters.

Mindfulness can transform the way you lead, lead change and lead people through change. We will partner with you and your leadership team to explore the neuroscience of mindfulness and develop the skills and practices of mindful change leaders.

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